Working Group
WG 4
Network development, sustainability and dissemination of network results
The main aim of this WG is to establish internal communication (contact and mailing lists, reporting and planning schedules) of all network activities, continuous screening of all minutes / reports for ad-hoc and strategic dissemination and exploitation. Also, to create and provide promotion material and dissemination channels, to be used by all network members on the occasion of their own conference visits, projects, teaching, including a yearly public newsletter.
The strategy will be focused on exploring requirements and opportunities for perpetuating the network partly or as a whole (e.g. collaboration and connection with universities, other networks or societies, business), including sustainability strategy and action planning, stakeholder analysis and balanced scorecard.
The objectives of the WG are:
1. to develop the network in terms of full European coverage, age and gender balance, necessary disciplines, relevant stakeholder and external expert collaborations;
2.tomake the network sustainable beyond the COST Action in terms of structure, management and finances;
3. to establish the results of the other Working Groups in appropriate and sustaining formats.
- T4.1 Establish internal communication (contact and mailing lists, reporting and planning schedules) of all network activities, continuous screening of all minutes / reports for ad-hoc and strategic dissemina- tion and exploitation.
- T4.2 Create and provide promotion material and dissemination channels, to be used by all network members on the occasion of their own conference visits, projects, teaching, including a yearly public newsletter
- T4.3 Explore requirements and opportunities for perpetuating the network partly or as a whole (e.g. collaboration and connection with universities, other networks or societies, business), including sus- tainability strategy and action planning, stakeholder analysis and balanced scorecard
- T4.4 Implement and further develop the measures to maximise impact (2.2, 3.2), including funding proposals (3.2)
- T4.5 Conduct a consensus process on the progress beyond initial topical status and needs update.
- D4.1 Design and set up of standard tools for internal and external communication, including logo, web - site and social media accounts
- D4.2 Stakeholder Analysis Matrix, containing a list of stakeholders, their interests and influence on the topic. (CBO 2).
- D4.3 Report on PhysAgeNet composition, development and sustainability, including status and strat- egy (CBO 1, CBO 2)
- D4.4 Report on PhysAgeNet research and impact, including implementation of measures to maximise impact (CBO 3)
- D4.5 Consensus report on final state of the art and further needs (RCO 9).